Monday, January 3, 2011

The Reasons Irfan Omitted from PSSI

Sports observer :Sumohadi Marsis said, it is normal if a player omitted from PSSI if the they have authority to make decisions. This is because according to PSSI only know one competition, the Super Liga Indonesia (LSI)

According Sumohadi, it is also related to the fair that each league should be under the guidance of PSSI. Even according to him in various parts of the world, there is only one of the highest professional competition dominated by the football union in their respective countries. Irfan bachdim must choose, stay at the club with the rules should not be playing in the national team or choose to resign from the club and find a new club on this ISL. I think it all depends on the player.

To Sumohadi, he further highlighted the release of Premier League football club ISL Indonesia (LPI). For him it shows there is something to be handled PSSI. Like the issue the score setting that has so far not been taken care of, although there is the Anti-Bribery task force, but no results. That's why until now this problem still exists and is attached to ISL, this really must be considered by the PSSI. Irfan Bachdim, the striker who is still under contract with the football club Persema Malang Indonesia dropped from the national team. This follows a decision out of 2010 Persema Malang to join Premier League match for Indonesia (LPI) .

PSSI will threat to impose sanctions against players, coaches and club officials who joined LPI. The threat also crossed out the name players from national team player who joined the club of  LPI.

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